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Wash-free hand sanitizer
Release time:2020-06-19 16:24:58Views:
When the whole society advocates "saving water resources" and "protecting the environment", while ensuring your health, antibacterial hand gel helps you save precious water resources anytime and anywhere and beautify our environment. antibacterial hand gel does not need to use towels, water and soap.  The main difference is that the functions of the hand sanitizer are as follows:
1. Water-free hand washing: easy to use and carry;  Wash-free, hands can be cleaned anytime and anywhere;
2. Sustained effect: the effect lasts for a long time, lasting 4-5 hours and up to 6 hours
3. Gentle skin care: It has the functions of controlling the oxidative stress level of hands, preventing skin damage and protecting hands, and can moisten and protect the skin of hands.
4. Virus killing and sterilization: After testing by the Chinese Academy of Military Medical Sciences, the virus is inactivated with a killing rate of 99.99%.
Scope of application
Antibacterial hand gel can be used in hospitals, banks, supermarkets, government agencies, enterprises and institutions, theaters, military units, places of entertainment, primary and secondary schools, kindergartens, families, hotels, restaurants, airports, docks, railway stations, tourism and other environments that do not require water and soap for hand washing and disinfection.
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