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Guidance for removing masks in many places
Release time:2020-04-14 19:16:54Views:
On April 8th, Wuhan's comprehensive unblocking marked the success of China's new crown epidemic prevention war. In addition, all parts of the country are also gradually reducing the risk level of the epidemic, and many places have issued mask removal guidelines. It is reported that Jiangxi, Anhui, Sichuan, Liaoning, Hunan, Hainan, Guizhou and other provinces have issued corresponding "Guide for Removal of Masks" according to the actual situation, which provides relevant guidelines for people to decide whether to wear masks in various environments.
Anhui: 7 cases can not wear masks
On March 16, the Anhui Province New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Emergency Comprehensive Command issued the "Guidelines for the Use of Social Masks in Low-risk Areas", proposing that the public must wear masks under seven circumstances:
1. When you are alone and driving;
2. Alone in an open and sparsely populated area;
3. Ankang codes are all green codes and no family members have abnormal symptoms such as fever and dry cough; 4. There are no abnormal symptoms such as fever and dry cough, and the employees of enterprises and institutions whose ankang codes are all green codes work, the separation distance No less than 1 meter, each person occupying an area of ​​not less than 1 square meter (except for special industries, positions); 5. No abnormal symptoms such as fever, dry cough, etc., and the Ankang codes are all green codes, the participants The separation distance is not less than 1 meter, and each person occupies an area of ​​not less than 1 square meter; 6. Outdoor exercise in open areas, and no people gather;
7. Infants and young children who are very young cannot wear masks, which can easily cause suffocation.
Sichuan: masks can be worn in 12 situations
On March 17, at the 15th press conference of the prevention and control of the new coronavirus pneumonia in Sichuan Province, Zhang Jianxin, a professor at the West China School of Public Health of Sichuan University, said that there are 12 situations where you can not wear a mask:
1. When working outdoors in fields, fields, forest tidal flats, pastures, grasslands, farming, forestry, animal husbandry, sideline fishing, etc.
2. When working in places such as construction sites, field exploration, aerial work, etc. where outdoor personnel are not dense, but there are some special industries that need to be worn, then it needs to be determined according to the situation.
3. In the daily work of your unit, including the company, if the employees do not have abnormal symptoms such as fever and dry cough.
4. The personnel are fixed, and the participants have no abnormal symptoms such as fever and dry cough.
5. In open places, such as parks, greenways, scenic spots, and streets.
6. Activities in places with few people, that is, walking, walking, cycling or shopping, etc.
7. At home and when family members do not have abnormal symptoms such as fever and dry cough.
8. When exercising indoors or outdoors.
9. Be alone, such as a person in the office, laboratory, or warehouse.
10. Drive alone.
11. Take a private car with healthy family and friends.
Infants and young children under 12.1 years of age are generally not allowed to wear masks, which can easily cause suffocation.
Jiangxi: There are 8 situations where you can not wear a mask
On March 19, Jiangxi Province New Coronavirus Infection Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Emergency Command issued the "Guidelines for Jiangxi Provincial Public to Wear Masks", suggesting that these eight situations may not wear masks:
1. Individuals alone (family, office, laboratory, warehouse, driving, etc.); 2. In outdoor, sparsely populated areas (more than 1 meter away from others), or outdoor activities when no people gather (such as walking, walking, Cycling, etc.), outdoor exercise, etc. 3. The office staff are fixed, well ventilated, the distance between each other is more than 1 meter, the per capita area is not less than 1 square meter, and the office staff has no symptoms such as fever and dry cough; 4. On the farmland When there is no intensive outdoor labor in forest tidal flats, etc. 5. Except for the special requirements of the industry, when working in places where outdoor personnel are not dense, such as construction sites, field exploration, aerial work, etc. 6. At home and family members without fever, coughing, etc. Abnormal symptoms;
7. When riding in a private car with healthy family and friends;
Infants and children under 8.1 years of age generally cannot wear masks, which can easily cause suffocation.
Hainan: 4 cases can be without masks
On March 19, the Hainan Provincial Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters held a press conference to publish the "Public Health Guidelines" to guide the public in wearing masks and personal hygiene. In these 4 situations, you can wear no mask:
1. When you are alone.
2. When there is no outdoor gathering in open areas.
3. After the school starts orderly, the distance between students in class is more than 1 meter.
Within 4.1 meters in diameter, there is no close contact with people and in a well-ventilated office.
Hunan: There are 4 situations where you can not wear a mask
On March 22, the Secretary Group of the Hunan Provincial Committee of Hunan Provincial Committee of the New Coronavirus Infection Pneumonia Outbreak Prevention and Control Working Group issued the "Guidelines for Wearing Social Masks in Hunan Provincial Society", giving scientific guidelines for wearing masks in different scenarios. You don't need to wear a mask:
1. Public places. In open, ventilated fields, parks, scenic spots, streets, residential areas and other places that are open and ventilated and not densely populated; at home and with family members without abnormal symptoms such as fever and cough; individuals alone or with a small number of well-known health personnel; non-group Indoor sports; outdoor sports with well-known health personnel.
2. Workplaces such as meetings and events. Perform site disinfection according to regulations, attendees and staff have normal body temperature detection, the site is well ventilated, the number of participants is controlled at an appropriate size, and the seat spacing is not less than 1 meter; small-scale official activities held in open outdoor areas; individuals Work alone in one room, or work in the same room with healthy colleagues; work in a partitioned office area with good ventilation and personnel separation greater than 1 meter. Unless otherwise specified in special industries.
3. Workshops, construction sites and other production sites. Workshops with good ventilation, healthy employees and suitable working distances; open construction sites, high-altitude operations, road construction and other outdoor construction sites; factory (worksite) employee dormitories that meet the requirements for prevention and control. Unless otherwise specified in special industries. The specific implementation is determined by the enterprise as appropriate.
4. In other situations that do not require the wearing of masks to meet the prevention and control requirements, masks may not be required.
Guangzhou: 2 cases without wearing masks
On March 22, the official website of the Guangzhou Municipal Government announced the Announcement of the Guangzhou New Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters on Continued Prevention and Control of Epidemic Situation (No. 6). The "Notice" makes it clear that masks can be worn in two situations:
1. Ordinary members of the public are not required to wear masks at home or outdoors, where there are no people gathering and in well-ventilated areas.
2. Commercial and public service units such as office buildings, catering units, etc. should do a good job of cleaning, disinfection, ventilation and toilet cleaning management. Entering personnel must wear masks and measure body temperature. Ordinary members of the public are not required to wear masks in homes and outdoors, where there are no people gathering and in well-ventilated areas.
Liaoning: 6 cases can not wear masks
On March 23, the New Coronavirus Infected Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters in Liaoning Province issued the "Liaoning New Coronavirus Infected Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Command Order No. 9", which clarified that residents may not wear masks in 6 cases:
1. No people gather in outdoor places such as parks, greenways, scenic spots, and streets;
2. Field exploration, aerial work, construction site and agricultural labor;
3. Ride a bicycle, electric car, walk, walk, exercise in the open space;
4. Unit colleagues with no history of contact with foreign personnel work in a well-ventilated place for small meetings;
5. Driving alone or in a private car with a familiar person;
6. Non-group indoor sports.
Guizhou: 4 cases can wear masks
On March 25, the Guizhou Provincial Leading Group for the Prevention and Control of the New Coronary Pneumonia Outbreak issued the Guidance for Guizhou Provincial Social Public to Wear Masks, suggesting that there are four situations in which masks are not required:
1. Outdoor places such as parks, greenways, scenic spots, streets, etc., outdoor work such as field exploration, aerial work, construction sites and agricultural work, and no people gather.
2. Individuals alone, driving alone, walking outdoors alone, outdoor sports alone or non-group indoor sports.
3. Home and family members have no abnormal symptoms such as fever and cough. The health code in Guizhou is green or yellow.
4. Work in a well-ventilated and disinfected place or hold a small-scale meeting, all personnel have normal body temperature detection, no abnormal symptoms such as coughing or sneezing, the separation distance is not less than 1 meter, and the area occupied by each person is not less than 1 Square meters (except for special industries and positions that must wear masks as required). For large-scale meetings and trainings, the temperature of all personnel is normal, and the health codes in Guizhou are all green. The distance between participants is not less than 1 meter, and the area occupied by each person is not less than 1 square meter.
Zhejiang: The province does not engage in "one size fits all"
On March 17, the Office of the Leading Group for the Prevention and Control of Pneumonia in New Coronavirus Infections in Yinzhou District of Ningbo City issued the "Guidelines for the Use of Masks for Social Public in Low-risk Areas." This includes 6 situations where it is not necessary to wear a mask:
1. When you are alone and driving.
2. Alone in an open and sparsely populated area.
3. When exercising outdoors in an open area without people gathering.
4. There are no abnormal symptoms such as fever and cough among family members at home and the health codes are all green codes.
5. When there are no abnormal symptoms such as fever and cough, and the health code is green code, the working staff shall be separated by a distance of not less than 1 meter, each person shall occupy an area of ​​not less than 1 square meter (a mask must be worn as required Except for special industries and positions).
6. When there are no abnormal symptoms such as fever and cough, and the health codes are all green codes, the distance between participants is not less than 1 meter, and the area occupied by each person is not less than 1 square meter.
On March 21, Hangzhou issued an epidemic prevention and control notice. While canceling some public places and vehicles, such as measuring body temperature, bright health code and other control measures, it listed several types of places without masks:
1. No people gather in outdoor places such as parks, greenways, scenic spots, and streets;
2. Ride a bicycle, electric car, walk, walk, exercise in the open space;
3. Colleagues of the unit with no history of contact with foreign personnel work in a well-ventilated place for small meetings;
4. Non-group indoor sports, etc.
On March 30, Yang Jianwu, deputy director of the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, said at a press conference on the prevention and control of the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic in Zhejiang Province: As long as there is no concentration in the outdoor scenic areas with air circulation, tourists can take off their masks.
On the afternoon of April 7th, the relevant person in charge of the Office of the Zhejiang Provincial Leading Group for Prevention and Control stated at a news conference on the prevention and control of the new coronary pneumonia epidemic that the following 4 cases may not wear a mask:
1. Ordinary office, home;
2. Walk in parks, green areas, etc .;
3. In a place without people gathering and good ventilation;
4. Under the condition of keeping the classroom properly ventilated, generally speaking, students can avoid wearing masks in class.
At the same time, many experts advised that although the urban function is gradually restored, at this stage, the anti-epidemic effect of group prevention and control and the participation of the whole people need to be played. On March 24, according to Xinhua News Agency, Sheng Jifang, deputy director of the State Key Laboratory of Infectious Diseases Diagnosis and Treatment and director of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the First Hospital of Zhejiang University, said that from the perspective of infectious diseases, the public should develop a good habit of wearing masks. "Flu season, high incidence of infectious diseases, crowded places and indoor confined spaces are still recommended to wear masks. Develop good living habits, enhance physical and mental resistance, and create a good public health environment."
For the public, when can I be sure to take off my mask?
Precise prevention and control are essential, orderly return to normal life
Zhang Wenhong, head of the Shanghai New Coronary Pneumonia Medical Treatment Experts Group and director of the Infection Department of the Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, said that most local epidemic prevention and control emergency response levels have been lowered, and the reduction is based on evidence. It is almost zero, and the probability of transmission is very low. In this case, most people in the surrounding area are unlikely to be infected. Except for hospitals, crowded people, and subways, masks can be removed.
Zhang Wenhong said: "People like to be told clearly whether they want to wear it. In fact, it is related to your environment. Under normal circumstances, the necessity of wearing is gone. In high-risk environments, it is best to wear it."
The reporter noticed that in the guidelines for the use of masks in some places, indoor rooms with good ventilation, which can ensure the separation of personnel, and take anti-kill measures can be conditionally removed.
Experts said that masks are not taken away. The test of social governance is behind the removal of masks. Accurate management and control, technical empowerment and mechanism guarantee are indispensable. For example, in parks, stadiums and other places, capacity can be calculated so as to "limit current", do a good job of control, and avoid the situation of people gathering. For example, Shanghai Century Park, while doing a good job of disinfecting and shortening the opening time of the park, lowered the maximum carrying capacity of tourists in the whole park to the standard of 50% of the tourist reception in the same period of the past years. In order to avoid crowds of flowers in the spring, the West Lake Scenic Area of ​​Hangzhou has imposed restrictions on the viewing of fishes and botanical gardens in Huagang. Tourists need to make an appointment through the APP, and the flow of people exceeding 10,000 is restricted.
Anti-epidemic measures can not be relaxed, control the density of people in public places
Experts said that the current epidemic situation in foreign countries is very serious, and it is necessary to carefully prevent imported risks. The epidemic situation differs from place to place, and in many places, the task of external defense import and internal defense rebound is still very heavy. To adapt to local conditions, take off the mask and do not follow the trend at random. You still have to wash your hands frequently and keep a distance when going out.
"All public places that are open to business must effectively fulfill the main responsibility of epidemic prevention and control." The relevant person in charge of the Zhejiang Provincial Prevention and Control Work Leading Group Office said, whether it is to strengthen ventilation, or to reasonably control the density of personnel in the place, and hygiene Every link of the internal management of epidemic prevention must continue to be closely watched, and post-event supervision should be strengthened.
Sheng Jifang, deputy director of the State Key Laboratory of Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, said that from the perspective of infectious diseases, the public should develop a good habit of wearing masks. "Flu season, high incidence of infectious diseases, crowded places and indoor confined spaces are still recommended to wear masks. Develop good living habits, enhance physical and mental resistance, and create a good public health environment."
Under what circumstances must a mask be worn?
According to the “Guidelines for Wearing Masks for Public Science” issued by the National Health and Health Commission on March 18, it is stated that the general public may not wear masks when they are at home, outdoors, without people gathering and with good ventilation. They must still wear masks in the following situations:
1. The general public
1. It is recommended to wear a mask when you are in close contact with other people (less than or equal to 1 meter) in medium- and low-risk areas when you are in a crowded place or taking a lift or public transportation. In high-risk areas, wear disposable medical masks.
2. People with cold symptoms such as coughing or sneezing are advised to wear disposable medical masks or surgical surgical masks.
3. Persons who are separated from their homes and live together with discharged patients are recommended to wear disposable medical masks or medical surgical masks.
2. Personnel in specific places
1. Located in crowded hospitals, bus stations, train stations, subway stations, airports, supermarkets, restaurants, public transportation, and community and unit import and export places.
Protection recommendations: In medium and low-risk areas, workers wear disposable medical masks or medical surgical masks. In high-risk areas, workers wear medical surgical masks or protective masks that meet KN95 / N95 and above.
2. In prisons, nursing homes, welfare homes, mental health and medical institutions, as well as classrooms, dormitories, and other places where people are crowded.
Protection recommendations: in medium and low risk areas, daily spare masks (disposable medical masks or medical surgical masks) should be taken with you when people gather or close to other people