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Ten thoughts on medicine brought by the new coronary pneumon
Release time:2020-04-14 19:15:56Views:
In the treatment and prevention and control of New Coronary Pneumonia, academicians, experts and medical personnel from hospitals and medical colleges across the country have become the main force of the war epidemic, and have made great contributions to ensuring the health and safety of the people.
In the war epidemic practice, medical staff and scientific research personnel actively promoted the cross-fusion integration of various medical disciplines, clinical research cooperation, regional medical and health cooperation, and joint development of Chinese and Western medicine, and achieved many achievements. These explorations in the epidemic situation examination will also bring a lot of useful thinking for the construction of "new medical department" and the cultivation of medical composite talents in the new era.
Looking back on the past, what is the development of China's medicine? What experience and shortcomings have been accumulated in the process of training medical students? Looking ahead, how should China further promote medical reform and cultivate better medical talents? Bright Vision invited college medical sciences The person in charge started the discussion on "New Thinking of Medicine Brought by the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic", and offered suggestions for China's future medical development.
Author: Zhan Qimin (Chinese Academy of Engineering, executive vice president of Peking University, Peking University Health Science Director)
At present, China's situation in the fight against the New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic continues to improve, but the global epidemic situation is in a pandemic stage. Countries around the world are actively strengthening exchanges and cooperation, and hope to achieve the final victory in the fight against the epidemic through joint efforts. The New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic is a severe test for the social governance system, public emergency system, public health prevention and control system, and medical treatment system. Government departments at all levels, various related industries, and even everyone must conduct in-depth reflection. This kind of reflection is not only an important process of social maturity and advancement, but also a professional spirit unique to medical people. Medicine provides health support for the general public, and medical education trains the guardians who serve the public health. Therefore, our thinking should place medicine and medical education at the social macro level and the medical micro level, so as to help comprehensively and objectively evaluate and understand medical and medical education, to face up to the shortcomings, to grow up and avoid weaknesses, and to make continuous progress .


On March 23, Peking University Medical Team "post-90s" party member Shen Jing shared the first-line anti-epidemic experience in Wuhan through a video connection. Xinhua News Agency
Thinking 1
Medical staff is the country's most precious resource
Since ancient times, China has had the concept of "great medical sincerity". In winning the new crown pneumonia epidemic prevention and control battle, tens of thousands of medical workers moved together and moved forward to become the "most beautiful retrograde", using blood, sweat and life to show the spirit of contemporary medical people. In this battle without smoke, our medical workers have submitted an excellent answer, which is the most lovely and respectable person in the new era. Therefore, we need to further consolidate social consensus: medical personnel are the most precious resource of the country and a guardian who guards the safety and health of the people. It should promote the whole society to respect the health of the doctors and the medical and health industry, and form a good atmosphere for building a healthy China. . This will provide an important opportunity to create a harmonious doctor-patient relationship, improve the medical staff's practice environment and improve the quality of medical education.
Thinking 2
Actively implement medical reform and development policies
China's medical education reform is still on the way. In 2011, the State Council issued the "Guiding Opinions on the Establishment of the General Practitioner System", which aims to solve the problem of difficult medical treatment at the grassroots level and provide health gatekeepers for the people; in 2017, the State Council issued the "On Deepening the Collaboration of Medical Education with Further Advancement of Medical Education Reform and Development" "Opinions", aimed at promoting the development of medical education and strengthening collaboration between medical and education. However, in specific practice, there are still many problems that need to be solved in the medical-teaching cooperation mechanism. Grassroots community health has not developed well in many areas. At the same time, many large hospitals are still expanding, leading to the centralization of superior resources. Therefore, it is necessary to respect the laws of medical development, strengthen the concept of medical reform and development, ensure the development of medicine and medical education from the system and resources, and supervise the implementation and implementation of various national policies.
Thinking 3
Medical education should be integrated into the concept of general health
Today, health has become a major public demand. Great health includes all-round integrated development concepts such as body, spirit, psychology, physiology, society, environment, and morals. General health care not only concerns the sick population, but also the health, sub-health, people with high-risk factors and early symptoms; not only focuses on disease diagnosis and treatment, but also on disease prevention, disease recovery, and health problems in an aging society. Modern medical education requires that this great health concept and connotation be integrated into the whole process of medical student training, so that medical students and young doctors can actively pay attention to all links of the entire life cycle as they grow up, and form a human-centered medical concept.
Thinking 4
Medical education should advocate cross-integrated development
The development of medicine requires relative independence and a complete system, but the relationship between closedness and openness, independence and intersection must be handled well. The establishment of colleges in medical colleges in China is highly closed. The boundaries between colleges (clinical, oral, basic, public health, pharmacy, etc.) and disciplines (anatomy, embryogenesis, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, etc.) are obvious. Insufficient interaction and cross-cutting are not conducive to the development of medical education. Disciplinary barriers should be broken, cross-integration should be advocated, an inter-academic, inter-disciplinary, basic and clinical integration, integrated education system should be established, and the current single medical education model should be changed. Strengthen the dual employment of basic and clinical teachers, and establish an integrated and interdisciplinary team of teachers.
Thinking 5
Deepen the reform of medical curriculum system
The educational model and course setting determine the educational outcome. We must face the needs of great health development, take job competence as the guide, and promote the reform of the curriculum system from the traditional disciplines (anatomy, embryogenesis, physiology, biochemistry, etc.) to organ systems and clinical issues; Curriculum system reform from "treatment-oriented" to "life-cycle full-cycle prevention, treatment and well-being"; promote the reform of the curriculum system of medical engineering, medical science, integration of medical information and medical humanities.
Thinking 6
Medical education emphasizes the core quality and standards
Gradually abolish the unified examination and master degree dissertation system for master's and doctoral candidates in clinical medicine, integrate regulations with degrees, and realize the standardization of resident doctors and grant master's degree in clinical medicine. Clinicians who love scientific research can pursue a doctorate in science and become physician scientists. To ensure the quality of regulation as a key link to improve the quality of medical talents, put forward high requirements for undergraduate education in colleges and universities, to ensure the clinical ability and level of new recruits. Gradually establish a talent supply-demand balance mechanism that restricts the enrollment of college education and the scale of training by regulating the number of job positions. Taking regulation training and special training as the thresholds for professional doctors, we will carry out reform pilots for the transition of doctors from unit to industry or society.
Thinking 7
Speed ​​up the promotion of homogenization and elitism of medical education
Gradually cancel the transitional "3 + 2" training model, fully realize the "5 + 3" -based training system, and medical schools implement a comprehensive enrollment to achieve homogenous training of medical students. Actively demonstrate and discuss the eight-year clinical medical personnel training standards, increase general education, and strengthen comprehensive quality training. Explore the recruitment of outstanding students from the non-medical majors (life sciences, sciences, engineering, humanities and social sciences) of comprehensive universities to study doctors of clinical medicine, and cultivate multi-disciplinary composite high-level medical personnel
Thinking 8
Medical education should be combined with technological innovation
The development of medicine has two distinct characteristics, one is technological innovation, and the other is interdisciplinary. Whether it is the discovery of antibiotics, vaccine antibodies, targeted drugs, or the clinical applications of MRI, color Doppler ultrasound, CT, accelerators, are the result of innovation and crossover. Every breakthrough in cutting-edge science and technology has promoted the leapfrog development of medicine. We want to cultivate students' global vision and innovative awareness, research interest and transforming thinking, and carry out innovative research led by clinical issues, public health issues, and pharmaceutical issues.
Thinking 9
Build a new type of public health talent and shortage talent training system
Internationally proposed the "Public Health 3.0" model, "One Health" concept to achieve overall health. We must actively build a public health personnel training system covering the entire chain of college education-post-graduate education-continuing education. Start professional certification of public health and preventive medicine, promote the cultivation of master's degree and professional doctorate in public health, and develop professional personnel training and double degree education in emergency and epidemic prevention. Strengthen the institutional exchanges of the medical system and the disease control system, and strengthen the education and training of disease prevention and emergency and epidemic prevention for local government leaders and heads of health departments. Actively promote the cultivation of talents in general medicine, pediatrics, mental psychology, rehabilitation and other disciplines, optimize the talent policies of shortage disciplines, and increase the attractiveness of positions and professional recognition.
Thinking 10
Medical education should strengthen medical humanities and establish virtue
The doctor has two wings, one is rich medical knowledge and superb medical technology, and the other is thick humanistic feelings. Medical humanities is the key content of contemporary medical education. Humanistic literacy and medical ethics education should be run through the whole process to cultivate medical talents with all-round development of virtue, wisdom, physical beauty and labor. In view of the strong social nature of medical work, medical students need to study sociology, art, economics, hygiene and law, study medical development history and medical ethics, and understand the frontiers of gene therapy, gene editing, big data, artificial intelligence, etc. Technical ethical boundaries and laws and regulations.